Take a front‑row seat to hear live interviews with clinical experts! You can expand or refresh your knowledge on various aspects of respiratory support and get valuable tips for your daily practice.
A series of live Zoom events on different aspects of a central topic
Events are between 30 and 60 minutes in duration
Each event features a presentation by the speaker together with questions from the interviewer
Anyone can join but registration is necessary
Sign up below to receive your access link and a link to the recording after the event
You can ask the experts any questions directly during the webinar
Hear what the experts said in the previous series of Experts On Air. Follow the links below to access the recordings and see answers to some of the questions asked by participants during the webinars.
In our first webinar series, five international experts discussed various aspects of treating patients with high flow nasal cannula therapy. They looked at some of the challenges you might face and offered their tips and tricks for best practice to improve patient outcomes.
In this second series of Experts On Air, two international experts shared their tips and tricks for using esophageal pressure (Pes) measurement in your daily practice.
We are sure you have heard the story of automation in mechanical ventilation. But there are so many more stories than just that one. Join our experts as they tell you their stories about the many faces of INTELLiVENT‑ASV: As the protector of both the lungs and the brain, as the chameleon who adapts to every patient condition, as your assistant at every bedside, even up in the air. We look to forward to seeing you on air with our experts.