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Did you get it right? Ventilation quiz

NIV-Quiz_Teaser_2 and 4

NIV #4: Which is the most frequent type of asynchrony during NIV?

a) Ineffective triggering 

b) Double triggering 

c) Auto-triggering 

d) Delayed cycling 


For more information, you can check out our e-book for noninvasive ventilation 

Linart image of nurse setting up cannula on patient

HFNC #5: Which ROX index values indicate an increased risk of treatment failure?

a) ROX Index < 4.88 
b) ROX Index < 5.35
c) ROX Index < 3.85
d) ROX Index < 6.45

Want to learn more? Check our our e-book for high flow nasal cannula therapy!

Trivia-Tuesday_Teasers filters_4

Filters #3: You have an adult with an infectious disease in your ICU that presents signs of being ventilated for more than 24 hours, using active humidification. Which filter should you use on the device end (inspiratory and expiratory port)?

a) Hydrophobic filter
b) Electrostatic filter 
c) No filter necessary 
d) HME filter


Why was a the right answer? Check out our page about filters to know more.  


Lineart of a nurse placing nasal cannula on a patient

HFNC #4: How is the ROX index calculated?

a) (RR/SpO2)/FiO2

b) (FiO2/SpO2)/RR

c) (FiO2/SpO2)/HF

d) (SpO2/FiO2)/RR


Want to learn more? Check our our e-book for high flow nasal cannula therapy!

Low-flow pressure/volume curve

PES #4: Based on this low-flow pressure/volume curve, what is this patient’s recruitment potential?

a) No potential

b) Low potential 

c) Medium potential 

d) High potential


Looking for more? Download our e-book for 13 expert tips on esophageal pressure measurement! 

Lineart of patient in bed with NIV mask

NIV #3: Which of the following is the greatest predictor of NIV failure?

a) RR > 25 bpm 

b) SaO2 < 88% 

c) PaO2/FiO2 < 150 at start of NIV 

d) PaO2/FiO2 < 150 after 1h of NIV 


Why was d the right answer? Check out our e-book for noninvasive ventilation to know more. 

Lineart Breathing filters

Filters #2:Your patient has just returned from surgery. His condition is stable, and he is connected to a Hamilton Medical ventilator with a HAMILTON-H900 for active humidification. Where should you place the breathing filter(s)?

a) Inspiratory port

b) Expiratory port 

c) Inspiratory and Expiratory ports

d) Patient side 


Want to know more? Check more information about filters in our page!


Lineart doctor patient catheter

PES #3: In which part of the esophagus should the balloon of the esophageal catheter be placed to consider it correctly positioned?

a) In the upper part 
b) Mid-upper third part
c) Mid-lower third part 
d) In the bottom part


Did you like this quiz?

Follow the link below to find out more about esophageal cathether!

Lineart of patient in bed with NIV mask

NIV #2 : Which of the following are contraindications to initiating NIV?

a) Severe upper GI bleed 
b) Refractory air leak 
c) Hemodynamic instability 
d) All of the above 


Want to know more? Check out our e-book for noninvasive ventilation. 

Lineart of paramedic performing CPR

CPR #3: What should the initial FiO2 setting be during CPR?

a) 21% O2
b) 80% O2
c) Highest feasible inspired O2
d) 50% O2

Why is c the right answer? Follow the link below to find out!

Lineart image of doctor placing catheter in patient in bed

Pes #5: In which patients would you not use an esophageal balloon catheter?

a) Obese
b) Severely ARDS
c) A patient with pharyngeal or esophageal lesions
d) A patient with a large pleural effusion

Want to know more? Check out our e-book on esophageal pressure measurement!

Lineart illustraion of paramedic performing CPR

CPR #4. For CPR on infants and children, what should the target RR be?

a) 1 breath every 2–3 sec
b) 4 breaths every 5 sec
c) 1 breath every 15 sec
d) None of the above

Why that answer? Follow the link below to find out!

NIV mask icon

NIV #1. When should we consider initiating NIV?


a) Shortness of breath
b) Arterial pH > 7.45
c) Accessory resp. muscle use
d) PaCO2 < 35mmHg

Did you get this one right?

Have a look at our dedicated e-book for more about noninvasive ventilation!

Lineart of paramedic performing CPR

CPR#2. What should waveform capnography be used for during CPR?

a) Confirm ETT placement
b) Diagnose hypoxemia
c) Detect asynchronies
d) Monitor CPR quality

Why monitor CPR quality?

For a detailed answer, just follow the link below! 

Graph showing normal and actual PetCO2 plotted against expired volume

Volumetric capnography #4. What does the capnogram indicate?

a) Pneumothorax
c) Hemorrhagic shock
d) Sepsis

Did you get this one right? Have a look at our dedicated e-book for more about volumetric capnography!

icon of two hands crossed over a heart

CPR#1. Which of the following actions should take priority during CPR?

a) Chest compressions
b) Late defibrillation
c) Ventilating in NIV mode
d) None of the above

Why compressions?

For a detailed answer, just follow the link below! 

Diagram representing esophageal pressure waveform

Pes #2. What does the curve tell you about placement of the catheter?

a) Placed too high
b) Correct position
c) Placed too low
d) Remove balloon

Did you get it right? Download our e-book to see a whole range of tips on measuring esophageal pressure!

Lineart image of patient with nasal cannula and nurse writing

HFNC #3. What should you set the flow rate to when starting HFNC?

a)    20 to 35 l/min
b)    15 to 20 l/min
c)    60 l/min
d)    80 l/min

Our e-book gives you all the recommended settings for initiating HFNC. Download it now to find out more! 

Graph showing normal and actual PetCO2 plotted against expired volume

Volumetric capnography #3: What does the capnogram indicate?

a)    PEEP is too high
b)    Pulmonary embolism
c)    Severe COPD
d)    PEEP is too low

Did you get this one right? Have a look at our dedicated e-book for more about volumetric capnography!

Lineart image of patient in bed with nasal cannula

HFNC #2. Which of the following is a benefit of high flow nasal cannula therapy?

a) Increased work of breathing
b) Increased EELV and PaO2/FiO2 ratio
c) Washout effect in the upper airways
d) Decreased oxygenation

Washout effect (promotes anatomic dead-space clearance and CO2 removal) and increased PaO2/ FiO2 ratio. Find out more in our e-book on HFNC!

Linart image of doctor checking esophageal catheter on patient

Pes #1: In which patients is the use of an esophageal catheter recommended?

b) Severe ARDS
c) Sepsis
d) Emphysema

Looking for more? Download our e-book for 13 expert tips on esophageal pressure measurement!

Linart image of nurse setting up cannula on patient

HFNC #1: When should we consider using HFNC?

a) Preoperative patients
b) Patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure
c) Patients with chronic hypercapnia
d) Severe ARDS patients

Want to know why? Download our e-book on high flow nasal cannula therapy for this information and more!

Graph showing normal and actual PetCO2 plotted against expired volume

Volumetric capnography #2: What does the capnogram indicate?

a) Cardiac arrest
c) Sepsis
d) Pulmonary embolism

Check out our e-book on volumetric capnography and test your knowledge in the quiz questions to come!

Image of helicopter

Filters #1: Which filter to use for helicopter transport?

a) HME (only humidification)
b) HMEF (humidification and filtration)
c) Hydrophobic filter
d) Electrostatic filter membrane

Why an HMEF?

For a detailed answer, just follow the link below! 

Graph showing normal and actual PetCO2 plotted against expired volume

Volumetric capnography #1: What does the capnogram indicate?

a) Pulmonary embolism
c) Sepsis
d) Cardiac arrest

Like this quiz?

Follow the link below to find out more about volumetric capnography!

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