Date of first publication: 21.11.2022
We are sure you have heard the story of automation in mechanical ventilation. But that story is just one of many! Take a front-row seat and join our experts as they tell you their stories about the many faces of INTELLiVENT-ASV: As the protector of both the lungs and the brain, as the chameleon who adapts to every patient condition, as your assistant at every bedside, even up in the air.
Experts include Laura Buiteman-Kruzinga (The Netherlands), Dr. Jean-Michel Arnal (France), Prof. Marcus Schultz (Switzerland), Prof. Giorgio Iotti (Italy), and Dr. Giovanni Sbrana (Italy), and you can put your questions directly to them during the webinars. Details of the first two events are available below and registered participants will automatically receive notifications about future events in the series.
December 15, 15:00 / 3 pm (CET)
INTELLiVENT-ASV. Everything you need to close the loop
Speaker: Laura Buiteman-Kruizinga, Interviewer: Jesse van Akkeren
January 26, 15.00 / 3 pm (CET)
INTELLiVENT-ASV: For individualized lung-protective ventilation
Speaker: Jean-Michel Arnal, Interviewer: Marco Maggiorini
A series of live Zoom events on different aspects of a central topic
Events are between 30 and 60 minutes in duration
Each event features a presentation by the speaker together with questions from the interviewer
Anyone can join but registration is necessary
You can ask the experts any questions directly during the webinar