Auteur: Sasha Starcevic, Kaouther Saihi
Date: 09.04.2020
When conducting a manual Spontaneous Breathing Trial by setting the %MinVol to 25% in ASV mode, the alarm ASV: cannot meet target is generated.
The ventilation mode INTELLiVENT-ASV (
However, there is an important difference to be aware of. During an SBT with INTELLiVENT-ASV, the alarm ASV: cannot meet target is de-activated. When you reduce the %MinVol manually with ASV, the alarm is still active.
This low-priority alarm is then generated when the calculated Vt and or respiratory rate by the ASV algorithm are lower than the safety limits (Vt min and and RRmin).
In this case, ASV is unable to reach the target volume and or frequency, i.e., the target point on the ASV graphic is not within the safety frame.
In the case of a low-priority alarm, the alarm lamp is lit yellow and you will hear two sequences of beeps. Touch the Audio Pause key to silence the alarm for 2 minutes. Please refer to the Operator's Manual for your device.
Note that the ventilator’s behavior generating this alarm does not affect the patient.
Relevant ventilators: All
Relevant software: HAMILTON-C6 SW v1.1.4 and lower; HAMILTON-C1/T1/MR1 SW v2.2.4 and lower; HAMILTON-C2 SW v 2.2.5 and lower; HAMILTON-C3 SW v 2.0.5 and lower; HAMILTON-G5/S1 SW v 2.81 and lower