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Plusieurs flèches noires pointant vers un point bleu

Les étapes clés des soins intensifs

La recherche médicale ne s'arrête jamais. Des chercheuses et chercheurs du monde entier travaillent sans relâche pour améliorer la technologie et la manière dont sont traités les patients en soins intensifs. Il arrive parfois qu'une publication parmi tant d'autres nous pousse à reconsidérer notre point de vue, voire à changer de direction. L'article ci-dessous est le premier de notre nouvelle série, dans laquelle nous synthétisons les données et résultats clés décrits dans ces articles essentiels dans un format normalisé, facile à assimiler. Nous espérons que vous l'apprécierez et serions ravis que vous nous fassiez part de votre avis et de vos commentaires.


Transpulmonary-pressure guided strategy in severe ARDS treated with VV-ECMO

The authors' point? A Ptp-guided ventilation strategy resulted in a greater proportion of patients with severe ARDS successfully weaned from VV-ECMO when compared to a lung-rest strategy. Read on for more!

Correlation between the hysteresis of the PV curve and R/I ratio

The authors' point? The normalized maximum distance on a quasi-static PV curve and the recruitment-to-inflation ratio can be used at the bedside as potential indicators of lung recruitability.

Time constant to determine PEEP - A feasible approach?

The authors' point? Using the expiratory time constant instead of inspiratory parameters holds promise as an approach for personalized PEEP titration in patients with ARDS.

Prehospital EtCO2 and mortality in suspected severe traumatic brain injury patients

The authors' point? Targeting EtCO2 levels of 35–45 mmHg seems reasonable during prehospital care as lower levels are associated with a significant increase in 30-day mortality.

Predicting outcomes in ARDS patients – Does partitioning respiratory mechanics help?

The authors' point? Transpulmonary driving pressure is equivalent to airway driving pressure in terms of predicting outcomes. Their findings support the importance of limiting lung and airway driving pressure, while also maintaining positive end-expiratory PL in obese patients.

Limiting driving pressure - Does it affect mortality?

The authors' point? Limiting static or dynamic ∆P can further reduce the mortality of patients requiring mechanical ventilation.