Experts On Air. The webinar series

Experts On Air Experts On Air

What is Experts On Air? And how can I participate?

Take a front‑row seat to hear live interviews with clinical experts! You can expand or refresh your knowledge on various aspects of respiratory support and get valuable tips for your daily practice.

  • A series of live Zoom events on different aspects of a central topic

  • Events are between 30 and 60 minutes in duration

  • Each event features a presentation by the speaker together with questions from the interviewer

  • Anyone can join but registration is necessary

  • Sign up below to receive your access link and a link to the recording after the event

  • You can ask the experts any questions directly during the webinar

Past events

Hear what the experts said in the previous series of Experts On Air. Follow the links below to access the recordings and see answers to some of the questions asked by participants during the webinars.

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