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 Patient-ventilator asynchrony cheatsheet

IntelliSync®+. Keeping an eye on patient-ventilator synchrony

Human eye that captures and processes digital data

How to detect asynchronies? A digital eye

The well-trained eye of a ventilation expert is capable of detecting asynchronies by analyzing the waveform shapes of either the flow or pressure waveforms.

However, the patient’s condition can change from breath to breath and the expert cannot always be at the bedside.

That is where IntelliSync+ takes over. This technology mimics the expert‘s eye to identify signs of patient effort (trigger) or relaxation (cycling) on the waveform.

The new IntelliSync+ technology mimics the expert‘s eye by continuously analyzing waveform shapes at least hundred times per second. This allows IntelliSync+ to detect patient efforts immediately, and to initiate inspiration and expiration in real-time. In this video, we demonstrate you the effects of IntelliSync+ on patient-ventilator synchronization on a a real COPD patient in nonvasive ventilation. 00:00 Introduction 00:15 Different types of asynchronies with standard trigger settings 01:48 Synchronization with IntelliSync+ 02:28 Before and after comparison

How does it work? IntelliSync+ principles

IntelliSync+ continuously analyzes waveform signals at least one hundred times per second. This enables IntelliSync+ to detect patient efforts immediately and to initiate inspiration and expiration in real-time, thus replacing conventional trigger settings for inspiration and expiration.

For maximum flexibility, you can choose to activate IntelliSync+ for either the inspiratory trigger or the expiratory trigger, or both.

See it with your own eyes. Book a free personal demonstration or schedule a callback

Let us guide you through all the benefits of IntelliSync+, or see it directly in action with your own eyes. Book a free personal demonostration or call with one of our specialists: