Дата: 28.02.2023
After learning that our ventilator service manuals were published on a third party website called bioclinicalservices.com (BCS), our IP department initiated a formal authorization enquiry. Soon after, BCS immediately removed all Hamilton Medical content from their website.
This case again shows the importance of blocking copyright infringements from third parties. Publicly available service manuals give untrained service companies the possibility of getting maintenance contracts with hospitals, and improper maintenance might be dangerous for the patients as well as for the users and the service engineers.
Publishing service manuals without the consent of Hamilton Medical constitutes an act of copyright infringement, and we reserve the right to take actions against alleged third-party infringers.
We are currently aware of similar infringements and have successfully removed the infringing content in more than 10 cases. In other cases, the process is still underway. If you are aware of any additional IP infringing activities, please contact Frieder Reusch, Manager of our Intellectual Property department.