- A. 新生儿和儿童病人呼吸装置包含可拆卸式未加热的延长肢以供在保温箱内使用。
此双肢呼吸装置包含新生儿通气所需的所有组件:管路、流量传感器、耐压管路、校准接口、弯接头、旋转 Y 形管和新生儿呼气阀。
我们的加热呼吸装置适用于与 HAMILTON-H900 湿化器配合进行主动湿化。
Both circuit options are single limb and double walled, designed to prevent rapid air cooling and minimize the risk of condensation. Humidity levels are adjusted automatically in response to changes in temperature, which is regulated by integrated sensors at the patient end. These take into account any difference between room and circuit temperatures to ensure the optimal therapy temperature is maintained.