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Hamilton®, Hamilton Medical®, Hamilton Medical logo and the word and figurative trademark Hamilton Medical are registered trademarks and/or trademarks in pending applications made by Hamilton Medical AG and/or Hamilton Germany GmbH, registered or filed in the European Union (EU) as a whole. The word and figurative trademark Hamilton Medical is further registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Other product or solution names may be trademarks of Hamilton Medical AG (or of Hamilton Germany GmbH or Hamilton Bonaduz AG) or other companies. Use of the registered trademark symbol ® with the first mention of any product or solution name on this website indicates a trademark owned by Hamilton Medical AG and/or Hamilton Germany GmbH, and registered in the United States at the time this website was published. Hamilton, Hamilton Medical, Hamilton Medical logo as well as the afore‑mentioned product and solution names may also be registered or be subject of pending applications filed with the respective patent and trademark offices in countries or regions other than the U.S. and EU.

A current list of trademarks belonging to these companies is available on the web under

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Some links on this website lead to third‑party websites, which are completely beyond the control of Hamilton Medical. Accordingly, Hamilton Medical does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness and legality of the contents of such websites, or for any offers and services contained therein.

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Hamilton Medical AG and our subsidiaries conduct ourselves towards employees, business partners, owners, and the public with integrity, fairness, and professionalism. We do not tolerate illegal behavior, violations of our Code of Conduct, or generally applicable standards of behavior.

We depend on appropriate reports to consistently implement our values and lawful behavior in the event of irregularities. We want to prevent damage to our company, employees, business partners, and customers in good time.

IntegrityPlus, an independent, external service provider, manages our whistleblowing hotline. Current and former employees, business partners, and customers can report irregularities (e.g., criminal acts, disregard of internal rules, inactivity, negligence, improper behavior, discrimination, mobbing, and violence of any kind) to this hotline, regardless of any confidentiality, loyalty or non‑disclosure obligations.

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