Author: Jean-Michel Arnal, Senior Intensivist, Hopital Sainte Musse, Toulon, France
Date of first publication: 04.12.2023
Recent studies suggest the choice of post-extubation respiratory support can be based on the patient's risk of weaning failure.
In the WEAN SAFE study, extubation failure - defined as the need for reintubation within 7 days after extubation - occurred in 14% of the included patients (
Patients at very low risk of reintubation: Low flow oxygen
Very low risk criteria
Patients at low and intermediate risk of reintubation: High flow nasal therapy (20–50 l/min) for 24 hours
Low risk criteria
Intermediate risk: One of the following criteria:
Patients at high risk of reintubation: NIV + high flow nasal therapy (20–50 l/min) in between NIV sessions for 48 hours
High risk: Four or more of the following criteria: